Antiracism Definitions


  • “Actions that seek to provide equitable approaches and practices to mitigate the effects 《十大靠谱棋牌游戏》(全国犹太妇女委员会).
  • “反压迫工作旨在承认我们社会中存在的压迫 and attempts to mitigate its affects [sic] and eventually equalize the power imbalance (反暴力计划).


  • “反种族主义是一个我们制定政策、做法和程序的系统 promote racial equity. 反种族主义产生反种族主义的思想和想法来证明 它通过提升与生俱来的人性和个性创造了种族平等 黑人、土著人和有色人种”(全国城市联盟).
  • “反种族主义迫使我们分析制度和制度在社会中所扮演的角色 我们看到的种族不平等,而不是把责任归咎于整个种族群体和他们的 那些不平等的‘行为差异’”(全国城市联盟).
  • “It is not enough to believe that being ‘not racist’ will eliminate racism and racial inequities. 相反,我们必须在我们自己、我们的网络和我们的机构内部开展工作 用我们做出的每一个决定来挑战种族主义. 反种族主义的实践是每个人的 正在进行的工作”(全国城市联盟).
  • “Anti-racism is a practice that people and institutions must continue to employ, moment 每时每刻,都在与种族主义制度作斗争.
  • Anti-racist policy creates systems that center the lived experiences of Black, Indigenous, 和有色人种,制定有针对性的策略来解释不同的伤害 caused these communities, and, in the end, improve outcomes for all” (National League of Cities).
  • 一个积极和持续的变革过程,以消除个人,机构, and systemic racism as well as the causes of racism, oppression, and injustice” (National Council of Jewish Women).
  • “一个试图通过它来解决和破坏种族主义的镜头. 理解种族主义,偏见, and stereotyping;
    • Moving beyond a multicultural lens of recognizing culture and difference to deal with issues of power, justice, and equity; and
    • Challenging and eliminating racism at all levels from personal to systemic” (National Council of Jewish Women).

Anti-Racist Education

  • “Teaching through an anti-racist lens means helping students understand racism’s origins 过去和现在的伪装,这样他们就可以采取行动破坏白人至上主义”(National) Education Association).
  • An anti-racist education commits “to ensuring that every student receives an education that is truthful, free from bias, liberating, and offered in a supportive, decolonized (反种族主义教育研究所).

Anti-Racist Policy

“任何在种族群体之间产生或维持种族平等的措施. Every 政策[成文法和不成文的法律、规则、程序、流程、规章制度和 guidelines that govern people)] in every institution in every community in every nation 产生或维持种族不平等或种族群体之间的平等 (Kendi 18).


“源于白人至上主义意识形态的现行制度已被写入法律 对土著人民的种族灭绝,对非洲人后裔的奴役,以及 the privileging of white Europeans in what is now the United States” (National Council of Jewish Women).


  •  “忽视或忽视种族和民族差异的想法助长了种族歧视 harmony” (Scruggs).
  • “In order to be effective, teachers will have to learn about the cultural experiences 同时将这些经验作为教学的基础. The 这种方法被称为文化相关教学法”(斯克鲁格斯).
  • “In his book White Supremacy and Racism in the Post-Civil Rights Era, [Eduardo] Bonilla-Silva 认为种族主义在种族隔离结束后变得更加微妙. He considers 色盲是‘新种族主义’的普遍表现”(斯克鲁格斯).


  • 基于特征对人或群体的不公平或有偏见的待遇 such as race, gender, age, or sexual orientation” (美国心理学会).
  • “Consciously or unconsciously treating someone else unfairly or holding them to different 标准建立在有意识或无意识的偏见信仰的基础上,而不是建立在 个人功绩的基础. 可以表现在以下几个方面:
    • Overt discrimination: granting or denying rights or access to groups and/or individuals.
    • Unequal treatment: treating someone poorly in comparison to others because of certain characteristics.
    • Systemic discrimination: institutional policies and practices that result in the exclusion 或促进某些团体”(全国犹太妇女委员会).


  • “An equity focus in policy recognizes the need to eliminate disparities in educational 来自服务不足和代表性不足人群的学生的结果. Such lens 是否有肤色意识,并特别寻求消除不断扩大的高等教育差距 美国印第安人、非洲裔美国人和拉丁裔学生. Furthermore, it seeks 将责任转移到机构而不是学生身上 the organization to see when policies and practices that appear to be beneficial actually 正在造成越来越严重的不平等”(明尼苏达州2).
  • “The proactive reinforcement of policies, practices, attitudes and actions that produce 人人享有公平的权力、机会、待遇、影响和结果。” (Minnesota State 9).
  • 校园背景:“历史性地(有目的地)创造机会 underrepresented populations to have equitable access to and participate in educational programs that are capable of closing the achievement gap in student success and completion” (Minnesota State 9).
  • 公正、公正、公正的状态、品质或理想,与…同义 fairness and justice. 要实现和维持公平,就需要理解公平 作为一个结构性和系统性的概念.(南加州大学城市教育中心)
  • “The term ‘equity’ refers to fairness and justice and is distinguished from equality: 平等意味着向所有人提供同样的东西,而公平意味着承认我们 不都是从同一个地方开始,必须承认并做出调整吗 imbalances. 这个过程是持续的,需要我们有意识地识别和克服 以及由偏见或系统结构引起的无意障碍.” (National Association (院校及雇主)
  • “公平指的是在学生的教育成果上实现平等,而不管是否平等 race and ethnicity. 它超越了获取机会的问题,并将成功的结果放在了 有色人种学生集中注意力.(南加州大学城市教育中心)


  • “Inclusion refers to how diversity is leveraged to create a fair, equitable, healthy, 以及所有个人都受到尊重的高绩效组织或社区, 感到投入和动力,以及他们对会议组织的贡献 社会目标受到重视”(班尼特).
  • “包容性是争取社会正义、平等权利、 and opportunity. 它是边缘人群不懈斗争的产物, 对不公正和压迫的压迫和歧视”(赖斯).


  • “基于性别、种族、民族、性别的不平等制度 取向、性别认同、残疾、阶级和其他形式的歧视 ‘intersect’ to create unique dynamics and effects” (交叉司法中心).
  • “所有形式的不平等都是相辅相成的,因此必须加以分析和 同时解决以防止一种形式的不平等加剧另一种形式的不平等" (交叉司法中心). 
  • 金伯利·勒尔·克伦肖将交叉性定义为“一个透镜,一个棱镜,用来观察道路。 in which various forms of inequality often operate together and exacerbate each other. 我们倾向于将种族不平等与基于性别的不平等分开来讨论, 阶级、性取向或移民身份. 我们常常忽略的是一些人的为人 subject to all of these, and the experience is not just the sum of its parts” (Steinmetz).


  • “[T]he process whereby minoritized students are educated in colleges and universities that seek first and foremost to disrupt the socio-historical oppression of their students 同时让他们从压迫中解放出来 (Garcia).
  • “Education of a liberating character is a process by which the educator invites learners 批判地认识和揭示现实. 驯化实践试图传授 a false consciousness to learners, resulting in a acile adaptation to their reality; whereas a liberating practice cannot be reduced to an attempt on the part of the educator 归化教育是一种转移行为 “知识”,而争取自由的教育则是一种知识的行为和一个过程 应该在现实中实施的转变行动”(Freire 102).
  • “A framework of action guided by the premise that the only way to end systemic oppression 是通过拆除系统本身,而不是给人们公平的资源 so they can exist under a system that doesn’t naturally benefit them” (National Council of Jewish Women).

Liberatory Outcomes

“The goal is to collaborate with stakeholders to conceptualize liberatory educational outcomes such as critical consciousness, racial identity development, and social agency 用于高等教育研究、实践和政策”(加西亚).

Liberatory Pedagogy

“Liberatory education begins by enabling the entire PCC community to confront objectively 交叉压迫的存在. 恐同、反黑人等等.) in higher education and by thinking critically about the effects on our entire community. We will do this by holding individuals, the institution, and its structures accountable 满怀希望地在课堂上创造真正的改变和解放 campus, and throughout society, while intentionally changing the systems of oppression through praxis, self-determination, and measured success” (PCC’s Academic Senate Social 司法委员会工作定义).


  • 使用权力来剥夺、边缘化、沉默或以其他方式使某人服从 social group or category, often in order to further empower and/or privilege the oppressor. Oppressed groups may consist of people who share a historically marginalized identity like people of color, or individuals of a certain religion or gender” (National Council of Jewish Women).
  • Systemic oppression is “discrimination that is omnipresent in our societal structures, 比如我们的法律、教育和习俗”(全国犹太妇女委员会).


  • 一门艺术、科学或技能的练习或实践
  • 习惯做法或行为
  • 理论的实际应用(韦氏词典)

Social Justice

  • “Social justice is about distributing resources fairly and treating all students equitably 使他们在生理和心理上都感到安全”(阿尔瓦雷斯).
  • 社会公正包括教育、经济和政治领域. Social Justice 是否承诺在待遇和获得机会方面的公平和公平 资源为每个人,认识到一切都是不平等的. 社会公正意味着 we work actively to eradicate structural and institutional racism, classism, linguicism, 残疾歧视、年龄歧视、异性恋歧视、宗教偏见和仇外心理. Social Justice means 作为教育者,我们要对社会的集体利益负责,而不仅仅是 我们自己的个人兴趣”(加州教师协会).

Works Cited

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